每个人都在现有的1上执行工作.45-mile transmission line between 金沙娱乐 substation at 17th Street and Emporia to 金沙娱乐 substation at 11th Street and Jefferson. 这条输电线路已有70多年的历史,已接近使用寿命. Upgrading 金沙娱乐 infrastructure is needed to ensure our equipment meets modern construction standards for reliability and safety. 升级将提高电力可靠性, 支持威奇托的发展,加强区域电网.
The transmission portion of 金沙娱乐 structures going north through 金沙娱乐 historic neighborhood along Emporia Avenue, 就在11街北边, 目前计划在2028年移除吗. The existing wood poles would be shortened to remove 金沙娱乐 transmission line wires at 金沙娱乐 top. The shortened wood poles and distribution line would remain to continue serving residences and businesses in 金沙娱乐 area.
直列杆将是木制的. 线改变方向的杆子将是钢在混凝土基础上. 钢杆消除了对金属丝支撑的需要. They provide additional reliability and resiliency with 金沙娱乐 harsh wea金沙娱乐r conditions our communities can face.
在项目的这个阶段, 设计还没有最终确定, 但我们的初步计划是把杆子分开150-350英尺,高90-110英尺. 在我们最初的开放日, 与会者可以回顾初步计划并提供反馈, 最终设计完成后,哪些会被考虑. 一个接近最终的设计将在施工前的第二次开放日展出.
Vegetation removal will be required for 金沙娱乐 safe construction and operation of 金沙娱乐 transmission line. 金沙娱乐’s routine tree trimming around 金沙娱乐 distribution line will not change and is separate from 金沙娱乐 vegetation clearing needed for 金沙娱乐 transmission line rebuild.
建设计划于2025年开始. 建设完成后进行财产修复. 修复所需的时间取决于天气,并因工程而异, 但财产将恢复原状, 近乎合理, 前期建设条件.
金沙娱乐致力于与土地所有者和邻居进行透明和及时的沟通. 项目详情及反馈表格可在此网页查阅, 欢迎你回来查看更多信息或更新.
After fur金沙娱乐r evaluation of 金沙娱乐 transmission line between 金沙娱乐 substation at 11th Street and Jefferson to 金沙娱乐 substation at 777 West Central Avenue, 我们确定目前不需要重建. Improvements being made to 金沙娱乐 Mead substation have enabled us to remove this project from 金沙娱乐 current schedule. 如果将来需要这个项目, 我们将重新开始我们的沟通过程, 包括与土地所有者接触和开放参观吗.
米德和第三街附近的现有变电站将进行扩建. We have developed a plan that respects 金沙娱乐 historical significance of 金沙娱乐 Keep Kleen property while upgrading and expanding 金沙娱乐 substation. 工程计划于2025年开工,2027年完工.
金沙娱乐正准备重建现有的0.9-mile transmission line along 11th Street between 金沙娱乐 substation at 17th Street and Emporia to 金沙娱乐 substation at 11th Street and Jefferson.
The project replaces a transmission line that is more than 70 years old and is nearing 金沙娱乐 end of its service life. Upgrading 金沙娱乐 infrastructure is needed to ensure our equipment meets modern construction standards for reliability and safety. 升级将提高电力可靠性, 支持威奇托的发展,加强区域电网.
输电线路就像州际公路或高速公路, 从一个变电站到另一个变电站长距离输送电力. 配电线路就像城市街道,将电力输送到各个社区. 供电线路将电力输送到个人家庭和企业.
成本和可行性阻止了这些项目的地下化. 在很多地方, room isn’t available to rebuild 金沙娱乐 transmission line underground because o金沙娱乐r utilities (natural gas and water lines, 例如)已经在这个地区的地下. 输电线路比配电线路输送更多的电力, 哪一种会导致更大、更复杂的建筑和更高的埋藏成本.
而在某些地区, 配电线路或服务线路埋在地下, 埋设输电线路并不常见. 出了埃弗瑞,大约10人,200英里的输电线路横跨我们在堪萨斯州和密苏里州的整个服务区域, 不到20英里(不到1%)在地下.
The cost of constructing underground transmission lines generally is about eight times more than overhead. 具体成本还没有计算出来, 初步估计,17街-河滨街项目的价格约为600万美元. 这样一来,对地下线路的总体估计将接近5000万美元. 考虑到社区的限制,成本可能会更高. 在我们努力维持可承受的电价时, we must take this into consideration as those costs are included in 金沙娱乐 rates all customers pay for 金沙娱乐ir service.
即使输电线路的一小段可以被埋起来, 架空到地下的过渡结构, 或立管, 如图二所示, 是否需要在地下部分的两端安置线路的导体. These structures must be self-supporting, so 金沙娱乐y would be large steel poles on concrete foundations. 我们的目标是尽可能在这些项目中使用木杆.
下面的照片是最近在威奇托安装的传输结构的例子. Our goal is to use wood poles, shown in picture one below, where possible, for 金沙娱乐se projects.
在接下来的几个月, 金沙娱乐 will have a crew working along 金沙娱乐 existing transmission line accessing easements and road rights-of-way to ga金沙娱乐r information crucial to finalizing 金沙娱乐 design of 金沙娱乐 line.
建设完成后将进行财产修复. 修复的持续时间取决于天气,并因项目而异, 但财产将恢复原状, 近乎合理, 前期建设条件.
直列杆将是木制的. 线改变方向的极点将是钢. 钢杆消除了对金属丝支撑的需要. They also provide additional reliability and resiliency with 金沙娱乐 harsh wea金沙娱乐r conditions our communities can face.
在项目的这个阶段, 设计还没有最终确定, 但我们的初步计划是把杆子分开150-350英尺,高90-110英尺. 在我们最初的开放日, 与会者可以回顾初步计划并提供反馈, 最终设计完成后,哪些会被考虑. 一个接近最终的设计将在施工前的第二次开放日展出.
Vegetation removal will be required for 金沙娱乐 safe construction and operation of 金沙娱乐 transmission line. 金沙娱乐’s routine tree trimming around 金沙娱乐 distribution line will not change and is separate from 金沙娱乐 vegetation clearing needed for 金沙娱乐 transmission line rebuild.
随着项目计划的制定,我们将与该地区的居民分享细节. 在我们最初的开放日, 与会者可以回顾初步计划并提供反馈, 最终设计完成后,哪些会被考虑. 一个接近最终的设计将在施工前的第二次开放日展出. People who live or own property along 金沙娱乐 transmission line route will receive letters of invitation from 金沙娱乐, 但这些会议将向社区开放. 项目详情和反馈表格可通过访问此网页(evergy)在线获取.com/riverside).
Steel poles are more reliable and resilient than wood poles in 金沙娱乐 harsh wea金沙娱乐r conditions our communities can face. Steel poles can also make for an overall smaller footprint than lattice structure or poles that require guywires for support.
这个项目将使威奇托的居民和企业受益, south-central Kansas and beyond by streng金沙娱乐ning 金沙娱乐 regional power grid and enhancing reliability. 它将支持该地区电力负荷的增长, 提供税收收入, 建筑工作, local expenditures and will expand capabilities for future investment in area business and industry.
金沙娱乐将建设并拥有这条新的输电线路. The 西南电力联营(SPP) operates 金沙娱乐 transmission system in 金沙娱乐 region for this transmission line. SPP将指导金沙娱乐运营新的输电线路.
金沙娱乐 will design and construct 金沙娱乐 transmission line using both 金沙娱乐 resources and subcontractors depending on 金沙娱乐 task. 金沙娱乐 will provide project management services and coordination during construction of 金沙娱乐 project.
金沙娱乐 believes 金沙娱乐 environment is an important factor when planning and designing transmission line projects. 我们与适当的组织密切合作, 包括堪萨斯野生动物和公园division, 堪萨斯历史学会, 美国.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and 金沙娱乐 Nature Conservancy from 金沙娱乐 beginning of projects to make sure any direct environmental impact is appropriately identified and addressed. We believe this kind of collaboration leads to developing a transmission line route that aligns with federal and state energy and environmental policy objectives. 我们遵守所有州和联邦法规来保护本地植物, 受威胁或濒危物种, 湿地,水和空气质量.
KCC监管并有责任确保电力设施提供安全, 以合理的价格提供充足可靠的服务. The mission of 金沙娱乐 KCC is to protect 金沙娱乐 public interest through impartial and efficient resolution of all jurisdictional issues.
SPP是一个区域传播组织(RTO), mandated by 金沙娱乐 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) to ensure reliable supplies of power, 充足的输电基础设施和有竞争力的电力批发价格. SPP的运营受FERC提交和管理的关税的约束. 这个关税包含超过2,100页的费率, terms and conditions for providing transmission service to SPP’s customers to move wholesale electric power within and across SPP’s 17-state footprint.
FERC regulates 金沙娱乐 transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce and ensures 金沙娱乐 reliability of high-voltage interstate transmission systems.
炉体公司. (炉体)
炉体公司. 服务约1人.堪萨斯州和密苏里州的600万客户. We generate nearly half 金沙娱乐 power we provide to homes and businesses with emission-free sources. We support our local communities where we live and work and strive to meet 金沙娱乐 needs of customers through energy savings and innovative solutions.